Getting a first-time donor to commit to your organization is no easy feat. However, once you have that coveted donation, there’s a super simple way you could end up losing them. To put it into perspective, did you know that 13% of donors leave because the nonprofit didn’t say thank you? (Bloomerang) Something so easy could make or break your donor base.

Luckily, there are numerous ways to express gratitude, and all it takes is a little bit of love and genuine thanks. Discover 7 ways to show your donors the love with this handy guide.

Let’s talk about why it’s not not just important—it’s vital—to give thanks to those who have generously donated to your nonprofit. Let’s explore why donor appreciation matters.

Why Donor Appreciation Matters

Everybody likes to get the appreciation they deserve. And when it comes to your donors, they’re no different. Check out these five reasons donor appreciation matters more than you may think.

1. Retain Donors

If a donor doesn’t feel valued, the chances of them coming back to give again significantly decreases. They may feel inclined to find a similar cause that makes them feel appreciated elsewhere. If you want to keep your donors for years to come, it starts with a simple follow-up to their donation.

2. Build Relationships

When you put time and effort into a relationship, it’s bound to stand the test of time. If your donors don’t feel appreciated, they will undoubtedly leave. Even if your donors aren’t ready to give again, it’s important to continue the relationship so they can continue to support your organization in any way possible.

3. Garner More Donations

It’s not all about the money, but donations are what helps your organization continue to make an impact. As mentioned earlier, donors are much more likely to give again if they truly feel valued and appreciated.

4. Inspire Action

A follow-up thank you or expression of gratitude offers you the opportunity to once again make your mission top of mind. It gives you an avenue to continue to express how important your mission is to make a difference in the world. Include ways that they can stay in touch or volunteer soon.

5. Encourage New Marketers

Word of mouth is still one of the best kept secrets in the world of marketing. When you treat your donors with kindness and show your appreciation, they’re more likely to talk about it with their friends and loved ones and possibly inspire more people to help you accomplish your mission.

Now that you know why donor appreciation is important, it’s time to show your donors the love. Don’t lose them over something as simple as expressing gratitude! Download the PDF Show Your Donors the Love: 7 Ways to Say “Thank You” so you can continue to cultivate lasting relationships with your constituents.


Let’s Show Some Love