Meet senior web designer, Aaron Grauer. Aaron designs themes and custom designs for our nonprofit website clients, as well as product and digital design. On a professional level, he loves the feeling of starting with a blank canvas and ending up with a living, breathing design. On a personal level, Aaron loves being able to use his skills to help nonprofit organizations make the world a little better. To him, that’s putting his talents to good use. Fun fact: He’s been with us for 14 years!

When his son started playing basketball three years ago, Aaron wanted to be a parent that watched his kid play the game that he loves. After recognizing the shortage of parent volunteers, he decided to step up as Coach Grauer. Putting time in on the court with the 4th grade YMCA basketball team means teaching kids the fundamentals of basketball, but also instilling the values of teamwork and sportsmanship.

“Those small moments where you see the light switch go on with one of the kids and you see the things you’ve been working on manifesting themselves on the court and in their attitudes.” That’s what makes it all worth it for Aaron.

He says that following the kids along throughout their journey as players has been the coolest part of it all. “They grow so much from year to year. When you look back at old photos, it’s hard to believe how much the kids have improved and grown.”

Aaron believes that the real satisfaction will come in the long term, but right now, coaching kids of that age, where focus and commitment are still a work in progress, is quite challenging. However, he can already see how the work will pay off and that keeps him going.

“One of the main reasons Firespring exists is to better our communities, and there’s no more direct manifestation of that than mobilizing in our own community.” Through working with kids, Aaron has learned tactful ways that help him get from Point A to Point B, which can only enhance people skills that come in handy in team environments.

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