The heat is on—and we’re not just talking about summer. We’re talking about your summer fundraisers and how to make them a smashing success! Luckly, we have a few tips up our sleeve to help you turn up the heat and bring in the donations.

1. Plan and prioritize your to-dos.

Whether your next event is online or in person, smart planning and organization is key to your success. Start by naming your BHAG—your Big, Hairy, Audacious Goal! What do you want to achieve with your fundraiser? Make sure to set your goals high, so you have something to aim for.

Next, you’ll want to decide on a story or theme. You’ll tie that into your event registration page. If this already sounds like a lot, don’t worry—our nonprofit event planning checklist will be a lifesaver when you’re hoping to cross things off of your list. It will simplify the planning process and walk you through task by task, from start to finish. You’ll be able to see, at a glance, what you need to do and when, starting about 4–6 months out, all the way to post-event follow up!

2. Marry digital and traditional marketing.

The most successful events combine digital and traditional marketing tactics for a full-fledged integrated marketing campaign. The key is to make sure your messaging is cohesive across all platforms! Marry together what’s on your landing page with what’s on your socials, etc. The channels you want to bring together in holy marketing matrimony include:

  • Your Website Homepage
  • Email Marketing
  • Social Media
  • Promo Items
  • Signage
  • Direct Mail

3. Socialize and personalize.

Use your organization’s social media presence to promote an upcoming event by teasing out information. This will pique curiosity and build interest in your upcoming fundraiser.

52% of event planners said that Facebook is the most effective social media channel for event promotion. (EventMB) To leverage social media before, during and after your event, you’ll want to create a content calendar, and put someone in charge to keep the momentum going.

4. Stand out from the crowd.

Is print a thing of the past? Not so fast! Don’t be too quick to dismiss print as a medium to increase your event engagement. Think swag bags, branded apparel, signage and more, which are tried-and-true ways of maximizing success.

Don’t forget—you can use QR codes on your posters, fliers, postcards and other print media to connect attendees back to your website. All your attendees will need to do is point their phone at the QR code, scan and be connected back to your site. Easy site access means it’s easier to donate!

5. Thank your stars.

You know who we’re talking about—the donors who keep the lights on for your organization! The real stars of your org are the people who attend your events, pull out their pocketbooks and write the checks so you can continue to be a light in this world. Thank them. Then thank them again.

You can thank your stars on your website, through social media, record a video or even send a gift. After all, developing a robust gratitude program is the most important thing you can do if you want repeat gifts. (Claire Axelrad)

Event planning can be overwhelming, especially if you’re doing it alone. Allow us to help you promote your next event! We’ll give you more time to focus on the details of your event, and you can leave the promotion to the experts. That’s one more thing you can check off your to-do list.


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