9 Useful Proven Strategies to Get the Major Donor Visit with Claire Axelrad

Cartoon people working on a laptop and making an announcement.
National Recycling Coalition (NRC) logo of the three letters NRC

Major gifts from individuals represent, by far, the single greatest potential source of revenue for non-profits – and that’s true for nonprofits of any size or shape! If you’ve got donors, you’ve got the raw material for a major donor program. But you won’t get far unless you meet with folks face-to-face – even virtual works! The key to success is getting the visit! Do this, and you’re 85% down the road to success. It’s the hardest thing to do, but the pay-off makes it totally worth it. Execute these nine strategies and you’ll be well on your way to raising the major gifts that will assure you reach your goals.

This webinar will give you the tools and confidence you need to get up close and personal with the folks who will be key to your success. There will also be time for Q & A.

  • Learning Objectives:
  • How to frame the visit.
  • How to initiate the conversation.
  • What to say to create good feelings.
  • How to avoid common mistakes.
  • The biggest secret that will secure the visit.
  • When to talk about money.
  • How to close the deal.

Wednesday, August 7, 2024  12:00 pm PT | 2:00 pm CT

About the presenter

Claire Axelrad

Claire Axelrad

Claire Axelrad, J.D., CFRE is a fundraising visionary with 30 years in-the-trenches development work, plus more than a decade as coach, trainer and consultant, helping organizations raise millions in support. After working briefly as an attorney, and then in legal publishing, she decided a better way to help people was through philanthropy. Her award-winning blog showcases her practical and strategic approach, which earned her the AFP “Outstanding Fundraising Professional of the Year” award.

Claire is principal and founder of Clairification,
Chief Fundraising Coach and resident expert for Bloomerang, and a regular contributor to NonProfitPRO plus numerous fundraising and nonprofit marketing blogs. Lean on Claire’s expertise, wisdom and hands-on coaching to get ‘clairity’ on your challenges, set priorities, take control and find the path forward. And don’t forget to enroll in Claire’s online, ongoing “Clairification School” – at $100 for a full year, it’s the best bargain in fundraising!

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