Commercial Printing How to Know if Your Fundraising Staff is Leaving Money on the Table with Sherry Quam Taylor Where would you start? You’re an expert at something else and you’ve never launched or grown an individual giving program that steadily... Firespring June 15, 2021 2:00 pm
Commercial Printing Leading Change: Breakthroughs Don’t Happen Overnight During this session the presenters will examine the shifts in attitude, behavior and strategy that go into leading substantive, lasting... Firespring May 4, 2021 2:00 pm
Commercial Printing Charitable Solicitation: What does it take to be compliant? with Sharon Cody, J.D. Must every charity register to solicit funds from the public? How do online donations fit into the picture? Register now for this... Firespring May 11, 2021 2:00 pm
Commercial Printing Nonprofit Scaling Q&A Session Have you ever found yourself asking questions about how to accelerate your growth plan? If so, bring them to our interactive Q&A... Firespring October 2, 2020 3:00 pm
Commercial Printing Nonprofit Planned Giving Q&A Session Now is a chance to ask your questions. Take part in this interactive Q&A session with Firespring’s Kiersten Hill, to learn new ways... Firespring November 30, 2021 10:00 am
Commercial Printing Avoid These All-Too-Common Nonprofit Thank You Mistakes with Claire Axelrad A donor is a terrible thing to waste! Rather than making thanking an afterthought, Claire Axelrad will help you think through your donor... Firespring April 22, 2021 2:00 pm
Commercial Printing Nonprofit ROI Q&A Session Join us in this interactive Q&A session for the opportunity to join Firespring’s director of strategic marketing, Alec... Firespring September 29, 2021 10:00 am
Commercial Printing Nonprofit Target Audience Q&A Session Take part in this interactive Q&A session with Firespring’s Kiersten Hill, to learn how understanding your target audience can... Firespring January 13, 2022 10:00 am
Commercial Printing Shareable Nonprofit Content Q&A Session Bring your questions to this interactive Q&A session led by Firespring’s Kiersten Hill to learn how to create and take advantage of... Firespring March 17, 2022 2:00 pm
Commercial Printing Nonprofit Lead Generation Q&A Session Bring your questions to this interactive Q&A session led by Firespring’s Director of Nonprofit Solutions, Kiersten Hill to learn how... Firespring August 23, 2022 2:00 pm